Weby a E-shopy

Weby & Eshopy

Kompletní vývoj internetových projektů od počátečních analýz, návrhu grafiky, programování, optimalizace, až po spuštění a následnou podporu a rozvoj.

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Education and e-learning

Education and e-learning


Why do we think that we create one of the best educational projects in the Czech Republic? It's not just that we have won prestigious awards in our country: The Křišťálová tužka (the Crystal Pencil) award for the best educational program by the Minister of Education, the award for the Best Czech Multimedia Program and many others. More important is the fact that with our projects, clients succeed very effectively in addressing target groups and achieving extraordinary results in the long run in the number of visits and user satisfaction.

Clients' requirements for individual educational projects tend to be very individual. Quality projects can be created with very different budgets but it is always necessary to set the basic parameters of the project well. We have practical experience in the initial phase when the basic parameters of the project, including recommendations regarding the form and technical implementation, are co-created in a discussion or interaction between the client and the contractor. Already at this stage of the project, you can easily see if the contractor can analyze your requirements well and if they can provide you with creative and practical recommendations about your educational project.

We have had a number of educational projects on our account in more than 30 years of our existence. In a brief overview, you can get acquainted with a brief selection of several of them.



One of the most visited projects in the field of road safety in the Czech Republic. The project includes both an internet portal and a number of mobile, 3D projects and virtual reality apps. Simopt is the author, creator and owner of this project.


The central educational portal of ČEZ is intended for children from kindergartens and elementary schools, high school students, university students, their teachers, parents and the general public. It contains interesting things from energetics, physics consultation, apps, films, competitions and much more. Only in Czech.


Are you interested in creating an educational project or e-learning or sending references?

Write to us and we will contact you or arrange a meeting with us at the company (every Thursday from 2 pm to 4 pm).